TALK's Data Driven Approach

Who cares about data?  At TALK, WE do!!  Why do we put such an emphasis on data tracking? Let’s think about this for a minute…how can you know where you’re going, if you don’t have a specific, reliable, and accurate means to track where you’ve been?

At TALK, we develop functional and measurable goals that target your child’s communication needs. Our research-based treatment techniques and data collection are used in each session in order to document your child’s progress. We analyze every production and trial, within each objective every session and determine if your child is meeting their goals within their four month treatment plan. By using research based treatment techniques and detailed data collection, we are ensuring a child is mastering their goals before moving on to a more challenging level or skill. If a child is not meeting their goals, we also use our treatment techniques and data collection to determine a different therapeutic approach that will make your child most successful and help meet their objectives. 

In many school and clinic settings, therapy can be subjective and not tracked from session to session. Tracking a child’s progress solely on subjective information may lead to inaccurate results of progress. For example, a therapist could believe a child has met their goal due to the subjective information, but if the goal was also tracked objectively, the therapist would have measurable, quantifiable, and observable data to support clinically justifiable decisions. At TALK, therapists take data every session and allow the analyzed data to drive the direction of the session. We make it a point to work on every goal, every session. Studies have found that repetition is the key to progress. TALK’s data driven and repetitious nature allows for visible progress both in sessions and in a child’s natural environment.  Being able to look back, gives us the knowledge, rationale, and confidence in moving forward, and we rely on data to do that!