Posts tagged popsicles
Popsicles for All

Summertime is the perfect time to work on language with your little ones. Kids have no schoolwork, and they’re looking for something fun to do. 

Try the simple activity of eating popsicles together outside. You get to talk about different colors, actions (e.g., melting, eating, licking, etc.), and opposites like hot vs. cold, your vs. my, wet vs. dry, big vs. little, clean vs. sticky. What a fun way to build vocabulary!

There are even more opportunities to work on language if you make the popsicles from scratch with your kids. They get to build verb vocabulary like measuring, dumping, pouring, filling, mixing, freezing, part, whole, some, and all. Kids can have fun by helping with the blender while learning concepts like on vs. off and loud vs. quiet

Try getting messy with the popsicles and ingredients to work on desensitizing kids to different temperatures, colors, tastes, and textures. Explore with your child! Touch the popsicle to each of your arms, cheeks, or lips.  Let them know it’s okay to sometimes get really sticky! This is a fun, stress-free way to work on feeding skills outside mealtime.

Feel free to break out the popsicle molds for your next speech and language teletherapy session! Your kids will love having sweets while learning!